The Belvedere Garden Room Derry

The Belvedere
PRICE: £12,500 + 20% VAT
The Belvedere Garden Room is an ideal garden room which provides additional space for your home. It is perfectly suited as a home office, yoga studio, kids games room, music studio or simply a place to enjoy the views from your garden.
Exterior – 3.2m x 3.4m
Interior – 2.1m x 3.0m
(Size can be customised)
What is Included:
- 2 Double glazed windows
- 1 Double glazed door with glass panels
- Kingspan insulation & weather membrane
- External cladding of choice from Berko samples
- Internal flooring of choice from Berko samples
- Drylined & Painted finish in pristine white
- Standard Electric Package
Standard Electric Package:
- 4 Interior spotlights
- 3 exterior spotlights
- 2 double sockets in chrome finish
- Smart heater
The Belvedere Garden Room Floor Plans
Frequently Asked Questions about Garden Rooms
Yes, our clients can choose to adapt the sizes of our own designs and add/remove windows. We have a wide variety of floor samples and cladding samples for our clients to choose from.
Alternatively, clients can choose to design their very own bespoke garden room.
We always recommend checking with your local planning office. However, all our garden rooms are built within 25sqm so that they do not require planning.
Yes, all our garden pods are fully insulated with 150mm twin insulation. There is 100mm wool insulation and 50mm Kingspan.
All our garden rooms come with a 1500kw smart heater which can heat up to 40sqm. Together with our high insulating properties, our pods stay cosy 365 days of the year!
Yes of course! Feel free to contact us to make an appointment for a time which suits you.
Contact us for more Garden Rooms information
Fill out the form and one of our team members will be back to you shortly with more information.